I have started to think about how to best project our ideas and goals over the next year. Like many, I feel we were too busy expressing our disgust with the Donald and not letting people know what we believe and how it affects them personally. While we will accept articles from other people expressing their views, I will try to do my best to project a positive truthful tone and keep to provable facts. I will try to keep my snark to a minimum and not describe Comrade Trump (sorry, I couldn’t help myself) in a negative manner.
Here is my list of goals for 2017.
- Whenever I post something, I will run it through a fact checking algorithm. This includes snopes.com and factcheck.org. Note it is factcheck.org NOT factcheck.com.
- Try my best to keep up to date with what our current office holders and projective candidates are thinking and doing. We will require a cohesive front if we want to improve our fortunes.
- Keep and expand Social Security and make sure it does not come into the hands of Wall Street.
- Keep and expand Medicare and Medicaid. There are numbers that show they are much more efficient than the insurance companies
- Improve the Affordable Care Act, not eliminate it.
- Support our veterans in deed not just by word.
- Stand firm on the idea that Climate Change is real and manmade and explain why I came to that conclusion.
- Show facts about how even the current pipelines are hurting our water supplies.
- Show current data on the price of renewable energy compared to fossil fuels.
- Explain why immigrants are good for our economy and can help create jobs for people already living here.
- Show why diversity in the workplace (race, religion, gender) helps make each organization more productive.
- Get the scholarship program going and bring our young people into our political system
Well that list should keep me going for a while. If any of you have anything you wish to add please comment on this list AND feel free to send articles to toddcountydfl@gmail.com.
I’m with you 100%, John!
Thanks, be sure to add anything you think is appropriate